
Posted on May 25th, 2016 by RWM Admin


Shop our selection of shooting tables and target silhouettes featured below! We currently offer hog (2 sizes), buck, aoudad, mountain lion and coyote silhouettes fabricated out of AR500 steel. All of our silhouette targets include base stands. These are great for long range target practice and last forever with proper use.

Take impact off your body by using our custom fabricated shooting table. It was specifically designed to be comfortable for both left and right handed shooters. It is engineered to keep your gun stationary for target practice and sighting in of cross hairs.

**Shooting targets with reactive vitals now available!**

Shooting Accessories:

  • Safety Glasses
  • GameGuard Shooting Bags

Hog Silhouette

Small Hog or Large Hog

Hog Silhouette with Reactive Vitals

Buck Silhouette

Buck Silhouette with Reactive Vitals

Aoudad Silhouette with Reactive Vitals

Coyote Silhouette


Mountain Lion Silhouette

Mountain Lion Silhouette with Reactive Vitals


Gong Stand – Small

  • 43″ wide, 5′ tall
  • Solid welded construction
  • Built to hold wood to hold your paper targets
  • Gongs sold separately

Gong Stand – Large

  • 8′ wide, 5′ tall
  • Easy to assemble
  • Gongs sold separately

Shooting Table

  • 14ga diamond plate
  • 48″ wide, 34″ tall
  • Right or left hand seating
  • Stability for better accuracy

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